Monday, June 21, 2010

Last Week - Lo Siento, Lots of Text, No Pics

Monday - Spain & Myles' Birthday
Dinner for Spain was Monday night. All day we finished putting together menu cards, place cards, and gift tags. Wrapping gifts, last minute shopping, and lots of spray glue was also included. It the end the dinner was a success and everyone loved the sugar cookies shaped like Spain. Pretty precious (and tasty) if you ask me.

Myles is one person in my ward whose name I can remember. He is one of about... 10 (in that number I am not including my roomates). Monday is usually FHE and this Monday it was a FHE for the whole ward but instead most of us bethesda/parkside people went over to Adam's to play RockBand, Eat Pizza, and celebrate Myles' birthday.

Tuesday - Friday
...all kind of a blur.

We were glad to make it through the Vietnam and Spain dinners alive. There was a lot of follow up to be done for both so I spent a lot of the week labeling photos, writing letters and sending them out. Ive also been working on labeling a huge pile of photos from the first big event of the summer, AWL.

Friday was super busy for us in the office. It started with a very early trip to the metro, three pairs of shoes and my curling iron in a trader joes bag. I got to the office and began helping with set up. This was a unique morning since this type of meeting is a- not usually attended by the whole office, and b - certainly not attended by the intern (s). This was my first meeting like this that I went to, though the 2nd since me being in the office and it was just SO COOL. Being able to witness a meeting like this, the structure, the topics, it was just a great experience. It made me realize how much I really do want to work for one of these offices post grad. I love the work we do.

I left the meeting a little early to run over to Furins for our guests' lunches. After the meeting got out and our guests' were on their way to more meetings we ran upstairs to prepare for our next big event, a meeting up in the Russell Senate Building. After we gathered highlighters, pens, clipboards and our RSVP lists we head up to the Capital. We arrived early which allowed us time to get some kinks straightened out and I took a photo behind the Senate podium. Think its cool that you did that at the American History Museum... yeah... I did it behind the real one :-)

People started arriving, Names were checked, and soon enough our guests arrived. We were able to spend about an hour with them.... I guess at this point I can reveal that among our guests were two members of the 12 Apostles.. After they spoke they had time to shake hands and I was able to take pictures with each of them (Cheesy, paparazzi -ish maybe... but hello! I will not get this chance again!)

After the room cleared we went out for Sushi, It was my first time. We went to this place next to the Hart Building and got a friday special which included a california roll. I think the taste of the seaweed threw me off but otherwise it was good and an experience for sure. I want to try different kinds now that Ive gotten the first time done with.

Friday was pretty much over after that.

Saturday I had planned to go to the city and do all kinds of fun things but... I woke up and remembered my camera battery was dead and I didnt know where the charger was. It must have hit a nerve because I remember being annoyed and tired, and all around moody. I mostly chilled at home for the day. Sunday was Sunday. Today is Monday. Ill blog about this week at the end of it :-)

I think I need to do a picture post... We'll see what time allows this week.

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