Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Birds, The New Obsession, Crazy Nights in Bethesda & Upcoming Events

I usually wait until Friday to post but I cant wait!

First - The Birds
I got a call this morning at work from my boss and she says "The nurse spotted me as the woman in The Diplomat, can you go get me a copy?". Sure thing. Walk over to Furins :-), grab one copy, open it up and THERE SHE IS! So I grabbed 4 more (and a croissant) and walk back to the office. On my walk back I see these two little birds hopping around next to each other, clearly having an intense conversation, as one hops very close to the
other and starts chirping loudly. I giggled... thinking, well - I look crazy, giggling at two little birds...but it did make me smile.

The new obsession -
Mango. Everything Mango. Can't get enough of the stuff. It started with Nantucket Nectar Orange Mango, Continued with Mango HonestAde, and scales were tipped as I went to Trader Joe's this morning for breakfast and bought a Mango smoothie - Yum, Yum and Yum! Not sure what it is about Mango, or this past week that has me craving it
but hey... I'm certainly not complaining. Its good stuff.

Crazy Nights in Bethesda-
Last night (I guess it should be crazy night... I feel there will be more to come though, Ill leave it plural) was NUTS! During work yesterday I am working on Save The Dates for WFP and all of a sudden - a hurricane hits Georgetown! Not really, but it was crazy! Downpour, strong winds, black skies... Crazy. It lasted for maybe an hour and was hot and humid as all get out on my trip home. I must have barely missed the next part of this story because I got home a few minutes before they say it happened but... a guy jumped on the Metro tracks at my metro station. He was not hit by the train but by the electric rails. At this point though, it is rush hour, and did I mention my section of Wisconsin was SOOO without power! Well, I get home & decide I am not sitting in a hot house so I will instead, go explore Maryland, sans tomtom.

I, of course, brought tom with me in case I became so terribly lost I couldn't find my way home but I set off to explore to find out... The traffic lights on a very busy 8ish lane highway are not working, I start taking back roads and there are accidents Everywhere! I decide to just go over to fivebelow to walk around. I get a call from B asking if I made it home... well, of course I did... but shes stuck walking up Wisconsin to get home ...oh gee. That's when I learned about the accident at the metro. M picked her up and then B and I met at home, and went over to FHE (where we were eaten alive by mosquito's as we played water balloon volleyball still, fun was had by all).

We decided that we were not going to heat up the apartment and cook so we convinced a friend to come with us to Arby's. We get back to the apartment and M calls asking if we want to come to Taco Bell... Why sure. I bring my laptop hoping (praying) for Internet and my phone charger since my phone was on its last bar. Taco Bell - No Internet. We go to Mcd's (passing another accident) - No Internet... and an outlet on the ceiling. Picture my stop sign red Samsung Intensity dangling from the ceiling of McDonalds. True Story. We get in contact with a friend in the ward and go to her place where I check facebook (sick) and charge my phone. M gets a call that we have power again and off to home we go. Yikes. What.A.Night.

WHEW, Ready for one more?

Upcoming Events-
I have (slowly) started to find things to do to fill my free-time. Sure, you could go to a museum. You could go tour the monuments. I'm an extrovert, Id rather be with people. Wednesday, B and I are feeding the missionaries. Friday - there is a French Cuisine night and my roommates are showing off their photos from their trip to Istanbul/Egypt. Saturday: a.m. Breakfast at the Brian's home, afternoon Folklife Festival, evening Rehearsal 4th of July Concert. Sunday - Church and then fireworks at the Jefferson. Monday - Trip to Philly/Gettysburg (Cross your fingers). More updates to come.

I should... go do something other than this.

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