Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thoughts for the Day

1) Leftovers are Amazing

I love when I have leftovers to bring in to work. Down at school I am often eating lunch at the cafeteria, or at the cafe mostly, so my leftovers go bad. Not here, folks! Cooking for one is a great thing when you work in DC! (I'm sure other places too, but I can only speak from experience) So far I have had leftover Baked Ziti (recipe to be posted soon), Love Pie (another recipe I will share), and today its Crockpot Chicken (for lack of a better name) and couscous. Combine the last bit with the lentils I bought at Trader Joe's yesterday and I am going to be a happy girl come lunch time.

2) Pioneer Day

I guess when you work for Mormons... its a bigger deal than it is if you are just LDS. We get June 23rd off of work. Yes. Seriously. The office is closed. What does that mean? That means I will be using that day to see all of the things that I have been wanting to do but DC has been too packed with tourists for me to actually do them. (That's a lame excuse and partial lie. Ive also slept in on almost every Saturday, but its also fairly crazy with tourists in the city on weekends)

3) Favorite Things

You know how some things just make you smile, inherently? A lot of mine are food. That's silly, but true. Strawberry Milk. Salt & Pepper UTZ Chips. Nutella. Goldfish. Then there are other things like: Running through sprinklers on a hot day, Finding little treasures like a hole in the wall bookstore & a place with great fresh bread, Using reusable shopping bags, Having roommates who cook just as much as I do, Babies (you knew that was coming), The hope that The Gospel brings to people, knowing my dad would drop everything and come to my aid at a moments notice, How my big brothers are like my own personal mafia warding off any who may attempt to do me harm and yes, even how they still call me Kid, Pillow talk with my roommate as we drift off to sleep, Listening to the Hispanic radio station in Maryland, Thinking about Beach Week and the 6 days I get to spend camping, tanning, touring and playing with my sister and my niece in our favorite destination (Rhode Island).... wow... there are many more to this list. But you get the point. I love finding reasons to smile, too many people look so grumpy on the Metro, Id rather smile.

4) My love of Cooking

The general smell of food cooking. I love it. I think it comes from growing up in a home where my mother was always cooking *until she started nursing school, at which point I took over*. My grandmas house always smelled like good food. Mostly it was chicken cutlets (with 4c, always and never anything else, bread crumbs), macaroni & cheese, corn and hot dogs - because that's all we kids would ever eat (and grandma makes the best chicken). My sisters house always smells like food too. This woman should have her own cooking magazine, because she is stellar. She taught me how to make my own pasta sauce (along with grandma) and that jarred sauce should only be used in dire situations. She taught me the beauty & art of cooking in general. How nothing needs to be measured, only tasted. How you can throw what you have in a pot and come out with what you think is the greatest meal you've ever made. It truly is an art form the way we Haywood women cook. The way all women cook, I think. I love the smell of truly homemade meals & watching people enjoy something I have created.

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