Monday, July 26, 2010

According to Facebook...

(fyi; I got off work early on Thursday and the office was closed Friday for Pioneer Day... Love working for The Church)

Gina D. Haywood
Update: Burned my foot on my straightener Saturday (ouch), Made my way through American History Museum and saw Julia Child's kitchen, Pioneer Day BBQ, Pulled Pork & Watermelon on Sunday... before power went out, played Perudo by candlelight, came home to a 90+ room... went to the Georgetown Inn with Becky and lived it up in the AC... Screen on the Green tonight & power coming back (crossing fingers).

This is how my weekend went down.

Saturday started fine. I went to the store to buy food for a Sunday dinner, washed my car, and made plans for the rest of the day. I went home, showered, plugged in my straightener... stepped on it (YOWZA!) and it was far from fun. I stepped inside it... if that helps you figure out why it hurts. I have this fun looking blister on the top of my foot. It was purple/gray yesterday but has now grown with... stuff ha. Pretty sure the thing is okay though (even though JH tried to freak me out and tell me I needed to go to the hospital).

I stuck my foot in the bathroom sink (water wasn't cold enough), stuck it in the kitchen sink (still not cold enough), filled a bowl with ice and water and sighed with relief. I tried to finish getting ready/text A to tell him "I'm a mess... Ive burned my foot... Ill... be late" all while hobbling around with one foot in a bowl of ice water. Oh fun. I finally got my junk together and got out of the house. Picked A up and we drove down in to Georgetown to park at my office (free parking in D.C. ... you bet I'll use it). We walked down to Foggy Bottom and metro'd down to the Museum of American History.

We saw pioneer exhibits, a model of a ship used to fight a battle on the Hudson (woot!... for the Hudson part... not the fact it was a battle ship), C3PO, Dumbo, Checked out some (sweet) vintage cars, and ready for it.... Julia Child's Kitchen! I was excited, and it made me pretty giddy to say the least. If he wasn't aware I was a cooking nerd....welp, he is now. We then took the train to our friends Pioneer Day BBQ. We ate our fill and decided to head over to Falls Church to pick up some weights (yup) and then head back to his place. Where I then chatted it up with his roommate who is a total twin for one of my favorite people ever, Elder Bowcut.

That was Saturday.


Started the pulled pork (which I am eating right now) before church. I normally do it with Dr. Pepper but did not have it this time. I also did not put the rub on until I was putting it in the crock pot but I love the flavor of it. I cut up an onion, put half in the bottom of the crock pot. Seasoned the pork with Salt, Pepper, Paprika, Chili Powder & stuck it in the crock pot. Topped it with the other half of the onion & about 2 cups of water... more Chili Powder & Red Pepper Flake (Spicy!). I let it cook while we were at church. We got home and about an hour later... power went out. We were still able to finish cooking & eat but it was dark & hot.

We decided at about 8p.m. to head over to the parkside boys apartment. We played Perudo, Smelled amazing spices (That's NASA for ya) and drank peach juice till the wee hours of the morn... or 10p.m. When we got home, Kita & my room was Insane! We're talking furnace hot. She had a free night at Georgetown Inn and they had a room. I LOVE HOTELS! The bed, was perfect. The AC was Freezing! The shower was amazing. It was wonderful. Our room also had a view of The Kennedy Center.

I went to work... Hung out after waiting for Kita to come to the office where we ate a dinner of left over pulled pork, changed & caught a cab for Screen on the Green. I think I would have loved the SG except... the smokers... the boozy french girls behind us who basically shoved me on to Kita & M's blanket... and the fickle boy who I really just wanted to hang out with. We made it to FB metro and while Kita & Mag turned around M & I bolted (literally) the other direction and laughed the whole way to the office.

I'm not sure they found it as funny as we did.

We made it home where it was dark, nay, pitch black, but cool enough to sleep. This morning I packed like a camping trip because Ill be at the office all day so I drove in (which I think I love) and now... its time to start my day.

I think that's enough of an update to hold you over.

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