Thursday, August 26, 2010

Its called KETCHUP!

Here it goes!

Iron Chef: Saffron was on Sunday (the 22nd) at David's place. To be addressed later in the post, I thought I was homeless in Virginia and had to make an emergency trip down to pack all of my things in my house so my roomate would not have to do it on her own. I left Saturday early and came back Sunday.. early. Right before church actually. I called Kita when I was about thirty minutes away to see if she would wait for me and drive to church - I had a feeling that post-church I would not feel up to driving home (and I was right). I had given up all hope on being able to cook for Iron Chef when I ran in to David after Munch N' Mingle. He pulled out a small glass vile and a jar of Saffron... sketch for sure but hey! I got myself some Saffron!! I had a recipe I had planned on doing, and Kita had the needed almonds. I went home and made Saffon Cantuccini found HERE. I melted some Dark Chocolate chips that J had and after plating drizzled the chocolate on top of the pile of cantuccini. It was fantastic! I won third place out of probably 15 entries. 5 votes for Cantuccini. 6 votes for Saffron Braided Bread with Honey and 7 votes for Meatball Tangine - it was CLOSE!

Next month is Fennel, hosted by Marie & Hugh. I just may be coming up to DC that weekend. I dont think these folks realize how much I love the idea of Iron Chef.


Homeless. Sort of.
Katie and I received calls from our Landlord and his wife on thursday (the 19th) that some business deal they had was bringing a family to BV and they would need us out of the place by August 31st. That is thirteen days. Thir-Teen. All while I am out of town. Needless to say the search for housing was stressful. I was not sure what they really expected me to do with so little time before school starting and not having any leads and did I mention - most housing is full. I called. I e-mailed. I texted. I begged. I found one place that had an opening but would not be ready to move in to until Sept 11th. Not acceptable. I couldnt find anywhere to stay for those two weeks (slight correction: my Bishop offered his home, he is Fantastic but I did not want to do that to them, even if they offered - it would be just great to find a place to move in to and then stay at). I called one of the off-campus housing listings and got a woman who was in one of my classes last semester. Her husband is a professor at the school, and she has children about my age. Sweet lady. After chatting I asked if she remembered me, she did, and we became more friendly - then! (drumroll) she said... you should call my daughter, shes looking for a roomate. Her daughter happens to live with my old RS president (who is getting murried, yup - murried in Oct.) I call and it just happens to be perfect. Great price. Great location. Keeps me in my old ward. All around - PERFECT.

I move in Saturday. :-)


I really want to make this Lemon-Blueberry pull apart bread. Think Monkey Bread with a sweet but tangy kick :)


Cooking with Gina.

Im going to start a cooking blog. Not kidding. Look for it. Ive got a sweet title (and no, its not Cooking with Gina)


  1. will you pretty please make the lemon-blueberry pull apart bread before you leave? i know i don't deserve it...but i really want to eat it!
